interior design VNTG Place interior design VNTG Place

Playing With Color Palettes in Interior Design

Textures and patterns are important facets of interior design, but it’s color that really pulls everything together to create a well-designed, comfortable space. Color palettes are such fun to play with, but they can be a bit intimidating to dive right into. Allow us to restore the joy and open exploration of color palette play by passing on a few beginner’s tips from top interior designers. They’re exactly what you’ll need to get started toying around with all the color possibilities your own space holds!

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interior design, upcycling VNTG Place interior design, upcycling VNTG Place

Our Response to COVID-19

Undoubtedly, these are uncertain and difficult times for everyone. We are doing our best at VNTG Home and VNTG Place to stay apprised of all mandates and suggestions regarding business operations to help slow the spread of COVID-19. For now, we want you all to know that the VNTG Home warehouse is still open and we are still providing VNTG services. We are taking as many precautions as possible to ensure the safety of our clients, customers, and staff, however, and will continue to keep you updated as more information comes available.

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interior design, home VNTG Place interior design, home VNTG Place

Your VNTG Treasure Hunt Starts with VNTG Home

When you walk into the VNTG Home warehouse, the piles of beautiful, decorative pillows will probably be some of the first things to catch your eye. You look right, you look left, and you realize that all around you are beautifully upholstered vintage pieces, unique finds, interesting designs. And suddenly, you feel overwhelmed. Where to begin, how to find your perfect match in all the wonderful elements surrounding you. Don’t fret, we’re here to help you navigate through your own vintage treasure hunt so you can find exactly what you’re looking for.

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