How to Make Moving a Little Less Stressful


There is no denying it, moving is one of the most stressful events in a person’s life. But we all have to deal with it sometimes. And moving can be one of the most exciting events in your life, as well, despite the loads of stress that come with it. Here are a few ways to manage the stress and enjoy the excitement that comes with relocating to your new home.

Plan Ahead

Sometimes people get so overwhelmed by all there is to do that they just shut down and don’t get anything done. Other times, people are overly optimistic about how much time it will take to get everything done. The truth is that packing will take a good deal of time and shouldn’t just be left to the last minute. Make a plan for yourself several weeks out from your move date to start getting things in order. Plan to spend an hour or so every night packing so that nothing is left for the last minute. Plan what can get packed early and what needs to be left out until moving time. Having a plan of action can relieve some tension and help things move smoothly.

Don’t Try to Do Everything at Once

Decide what are the most important things to get done and handle those first. Don’t try to clean while you pack. Just do one thing at a time. Focus on one room, one area and then move on to the next thing. You will overwhelm yourself if you are trying to handle everything all at once. Keep it simple and work in steps.

Stay Organized

If you get frazzled and start throwing things together, you are only going to make your own life harder when it comes time to unpack after you’ve moved. Keep boxes designated to certain rooms and make sure you are labeling things. You’re looking out for your future self when you keep things in order!


Ask for Help

Nobody really likes to help people move but we all know that someday, we might need the favor returned. Ask friends and family to lend a hand with packing and on moving day. More helping hands means the work goes faster and smoother. Most people will be happy to help if you simply reward them with a “thank you” meal.

Budget Funds for the Move

Whether you’re hiring professional movers to help out or doing it on your own, moving costs money. You have to purchase boxes, bubble wrap, tape, rent a moving truck, and other expenses. The more you budget, the less stressed you’ll feel about having to shell out for important elements on moving day. And if you can afford to hire professionals, it will definitely take a lot of weight off of your shoulders.

If you’re planning for your next move and need some help with the logistics of everything, VNTG Place wants to help you. We offer a full suite of services to handle everything from cleaning out your old place, relocating to the new one, and getting your old home ready to sell, from remodel to staging. VNTG Place is you’re one stop solution for all things moving related and we want to make your transition stress-free. Contact us today to find out more about how we can simplify your move.


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