The Dos and Don'ts of Pattern Mixing

Pattern plays an incredibly important role in home décor. Having a room full of all solid colors might sound like a safe bet if you’re an amateur decorator but it can leave the space feeling stale and boring. Throwing in some patterns can breathe new life into a home that seems to be lacking in energy, but pattern mixing can get out of hand if you’re not careful. Here’s some tips on what to do, and what not to do, when you are decorating with patterns.


DO Pick Patterns in the Same Color Family

Mixing patterns can be fun and interesting but it works best when there is a unifying element in them. Pick a pattern in a main color that speaks to your style and find other patterns that either carry that color through all of them or that are complimentary to your main color.


DON’T Use Multiple Patterns of the Same Scale

You are going for variety in your look when you mix patterns but having multiple patterns with the same size print will just leave the room looking disjointed and busy. You should have a larger main pattern and a secondary pattern that is about half the size of the main pattern. Any tertiary patterns should also be smaller than the secondary pattern and similar in some way to the main pattern.

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DO Utilize Texture

Differing textures in a room can really spice things up without having patterns that are too loud or colorful. A solid colored pillow with a lace or velvet textured design, or even a thick shag rug can give the impression of patterns and keep things interesting.


DON’T Get Carried Away with Too Many Patterns

By all means throw in more than just two patterns but try to keep things in check. Three is a well-liked number for patterns in any one particular space. Too many and you might cross over from unique and exciting to overwhelming and out of control.


DO Break Up Patterns with Solid Colors

Layering patterns one on top of another will sometimes work really well if you have two that compliment each other nicely but sometimes things work better together when they are split up with a solid colored element. If you’re placing throw pillows on a couch, for instance, maybe try alternating patterned, solid, patterned.

DON’T Forget to Have Fun!

Decorating your home should be enjoyable so if you like something, try it out! You’ll be able to tell quickly what kind of energy your décor gives off in your space. If it doesn’t feel right, try something else. Follow your heart and let the patterns tell your story!

Need some pattern guidance? Reach out to our talented team of design specialists here. We’ll help you create a look you’ll love and is uniquely you.


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