Interior Design Trends that will WOW for 2020

Interior design is definitely a delicate art form. We want to decorate our homes to not only be aesthetically pleasing, but also functional for what we intend to use it for. Additionally, styles are always changing and its hard to know if the look you love is going to stand the test of time. Well, just about everything will go out of style at some point. So, whether you’re moving into a new home and want it to be everything you’ve dreamed of, or your current décor is seeming a bit dated and you want to change things up, here is what is trending for interior design as we move into a new decade.

Some interior designers are insisting that modern trends, this coming year included, are showing a move towards warm, comforting, intimate spaces. Many experts believe that our technological dependence has created a coldness in us and the movement toward warmer spaces helps to fill some of the void that our lack of human connection has left. Whether or not there is any validity to that thought, it doesn’t stop the movement from leaning towards creating these comfortable and cozy environments. This includes everything from soft fabrics to warm tones. It also means that some people are filling spaces that they might have previously left a little sparse with more furniture and décor to create homes that feel full of positive energy.

Another trend this coming year is a return to more natural elements in the home. This is being explored by designers in a number of ways that can complement your style and your home. One of the most popular is to include natural and raw wood components, like wood slab coffee or dinner tables or raw log decorations. Some people are even looking back to the wood paneling style of the 70s in a new, more natural way, doing just one accent wall of high quality unstained wood. Another natural material people are utilizing this year, albeit a bit more expensive, is marble. Designers are loving marble for tables and sinks and various other interesting elements in the home.

For 2020, in addition to the throwback of wood paneling, we’re also seeing a return of some popular trends that haven’t necessarily been en vogue as of recent, like carpet and interesting wallpaper. There hasn’t been a lot of love for carpet in the close past, with most people preferring some kind of natural looking flooring, be it real hardwood or wood style laminate or vinyl. Carpeted floors are back in style, however, as well as some carpet covered furniture. Likewise, wallpaper hasn’t been a first choice for many for a while but textured and loudly patterned wallpaper are definitely making a comeback so don’t be afraid to make some bold choices. In fact, patterns and textures are in style in just about everything you use this year. Boucle is particularly popular for furniture and rugs.

Metals are another thing to add to your design pallet this year. Simple exposed metal lamps or chandeliers are particularly in, as well as any kind of decorative metal pieces you find to add around the house. Additionally, don’t be shy about mixing metals in your space. The combination of several different types of metal in your décor keeps the room interesting in your design.

Color is also an important part of designing your perfect space and different colors have their day in the sun each year. This coming year, designers will be leaning heavily on softer, pastel colors, like pinks and yellows. Additionally, earth tones are very popular as the trend towards more natural spaces continues to develop. If you’re feeling particularly brave, black is also in style for 2020, but be careful because your home can go from an exciting bit of black to dark and gloomy very quickly. Make sure any room you use black in has lots of natural light to keep it from getting too dark.

If you are interested in redesigning your home this coming year but don’t really know where to start, our interior design experts at VNTG Place would be happy to help make your home everything you envision. Contact us today for a quote on how we can design your home to meet your needs.


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