Fixtures and their impact on selling price

Fixtures can be a make-or-break item for many people when buying a home. This is why it is important that you consider what fixtures there are in your home and the value they may add or take away from the space. Here are some fixtures that are commonly looked for and how they may impact the selling price of your home…

Expected Fixtures


There are multiple different things that everyone expects to already be in a home even though it isn’t required. Some common fixtures that you should add to your home to help the selling price if you don’t already have them include:

-Heating System

-Built-in Storage/Wardrobes

-A Complete Bathroom 

-Light fixtures/Switches

-Outlet/Socket Faceplates

These can all add more value to your home and help it sell. Give people more reasons to want your home over another.

Unique Fixtures

There are obviously the common fixtures that are found in the majority of homes. The way to make yours stand out is to make the fixtures unique. For example, if you had a rainforest shower, it could stand out to a buyer and make your property more valuable in comparison to others. Add the elements that make your home unique. 

Impact on Selling Price


Fixtures have the ability to either lower or increase the selling price of your home. Ways it will be increased is through having the fixtures people are looking for or unique stand-out pieces. Make sure they are up to date and working properly so the buyers don’t have any issues and will find your home more desirable. Get the most money you can out of your home!

Fix up your fixtures! Here at VNTG Place, we want to help you sell your home for as much as you can. We have services and products to enhance the interior of your home. Make your home look better than the rest.


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