A Picture Tells 1,000 Words...


WITH every mobile phone packing more megapixels of photographic technology than an entire array of camera equipment a decade ago, some might begin to question why professional photographers still exist. But ironically, the more pictures there are being taken, the better one has to be to stand out and grab a buyer’s attention.

Every real estate agent today carries a good mobile phone with a built-in camera, increasingly with multiple lenses, a flash and massive megapixels, but it does not mean they are particularly good at taking pictures.  After all, a snap might be fine for a night out with your mates, but when you are trying to showcase your single biggest asset in the best possible light, will a snap really do the job?

Using a professional photographer may cost a bit more than the estate agent’s quick snaps – which will be ok – but they can add thousands to your home’s value. And the real estate agencies know it as well – every time a home listing online is clicked on, the agency knows. The statistics are undeniable and prove conclusively that better pictures lead directly to more clicks.


More clicks mean more viewings, which means more people wanting to buy your home.

Professional photographers don’t just have better camera equipment – they are highly trained and skilled in how to use that equipment to make the most of any situation. Investing in a good set of home photographs will simply develop more interest in your property.

A good professional photographer sees the picture in a level of detail the enthusiastic amateur simply does not. They take the time to stage shots and move objects in and out to make a room look its very best – a vase of flowers capturing the sun on the dining table is in, but your laundry basket is out.

Even with a top-of-the-range camera, it can only photograph what it is shown. A professional has learned how to work with light to get the richest colours and artistic shadows – a phone photo is often washed out as sunlight blinds the camera.


A professional can create shots with what is there by using different angles and perspectives rather than the standard wide-angles picture of every room in the house. Period features and details stand proud instead of being lost in the background.

And a professional will spend as long afterwards improving the pictures taken to remove unwanted detail and add colour to make the key shot just perfect. Just as you employ the estate agent as the expert in selling houses, perhaps a professional photographer can perfect that listing.

VNTG Place has some of the best real estate photographers in the business. Don’t believe us? Just look at some of our pictures! Yes, our incredibly eye for design helps to make these photos as gorgeous as they are but without the right photographer, you’d never know just how good we are at our jobs. If you’re looking to professional real estate photography to sell your home or listings, contact us today and let us show the world how great your space is.


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